
Dan and I got away for a few days, and for the most part, I was able to keep my mind on the present, and not think about my upcoming appointment to the Oncologist.  I tried staying away from looking up any possibility of lymphoma, since I knew that all it would do was stress me.

On our last night, I got a notification that my lab results (CAT Scan) were available online. I read the following:

1. Numerous mesenteric, retroperitoneal, and inguinal lymph nodes, several of which are pathologically enlarged by size criteria. Largest lymph nodes measure up to approximately 2.3 x 1.6 cm left paraaortic in location, 2.5 x 1.6 cm left inguinal in location. Findings therefore may reflect lymphoma. If biopsy is pursued, consider targeting left inguinal lymph node.

2. Normal spleen size.

I still don’t know what any of this means.  I have look it up, but only get more confused.

My appointment with the oncologist is in two days, so I should know better then. Until then, I will do my best to think of other things.

Dan and I looked at properties, but it is hard for me to get fully into the idea of buying something new.  Especially something that will require as much work as what Dan really wants. Whatever this turns out to be, I don’t think he realizes that I will never be who I was 20 or 30 years ago. Even I forget that.  That is, until I try to do the very things that I want to do.

I still don’t really believe that it is cancer of any kind.  I certainly haven’t had weight loss.  The sweats that I have rarely happen during the night. I’m not sick.

2 thoughts on “Lymphoma?

  1. The anguish that accompanies the wait for that appointment is awful. I am happy you have things and people to preoccupy your mind. I hope that it isn’t cancer, but remember it can be treated and you will be in goods hands. Good luck xx

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